






Feel beautiful. Inside and outside...

Make-up isn't just about painting ones face, makeup also has the power to make you feel good from the inside out. Follow your intuition, get inspiration and guidance here and find true beauty from within. Make-up can help you to really start showing yourself to the outside world with confidence and ease; you can also start from the inside out by observing yourself through yoga and meditation

Showing your authentic self is a mastery of bravery, dare to unlock your inner warrior. Elke Willemen will guide and inspire you to be brave and find your inner peaceful warrior

Elke’s career as a top make-up artist got a plot twist: a burn-out. This didn’t mean the end of a career, it offered a new and fresh start where she went on an inner journey to find balance in life.


My Mission

Peaceful Warrior

Make-up isn't just about painting ones face, about adding a layer to mask who we truly are. For me makeup also has the power to make you feel good from the inside out. To emphasize your beauty from within. Showing your authentic self is a mastery of bravery, make-up can help you to start showing yourself to the outside world. By applying make-up in such a way that it gives you more confidence can be a first step to take of the mask. The mask we think we need to wear to survive in our society. 

I wore my mask for years, and didn’t even realize it! I loved my job as a Global Senior Make-up Artist at MAC Cosmetics. I could create make-up looks, I could share and teach, I could travel the world and inspire others, working at the Fashion Weeks with top models, the best make-up artists and designers. I became really successful in my job. My life was good, so I thought.. 


In 2013 life offered me a big fat burn-out. Offered?! Without having the choice to reject it, it turned out to be a gift, a gift to reflect back on my life and find my true nature. My nurturing and caring nature. I love to work with people, to hear their stories, to share life lessons and to live from the heart and enjoy life more. 

Enjoying the things that are important in life, ‘the little things’, the free things; like nature, love, togetherness, community, our senses, ..

Exploring our true essence, who we want to BE, who we truly are. What we can share or offer to the world.

My mission is to inspire, teach and enhance your inner and outer beauty - this time from the inside out and not just creating a beautiful outer layer. Reach your full potential and thrive in life.

Celebrate life! 

I created this platform to inspire you to enjoy life more, to accept yourself with flaws and everything, the good and the bad, a platform to share so you can grow vigorously each day to become who you want to be. Become the best version of yourself, inside and out.

Building and strengthening your inner world gives you the courage to be yourself, fully and completely. Like I said, this requires a brave heart, it takes a lot of patience and self-love but believe me, it is so worth it. What you send out you get back, radiate joy and you will attract joy. 

What you can find on this platform:

Skills to Share:

  • Beauty make-up & Make-up Artistry; Trainings: Belgium, New York and Paris; Hairstyling Micky Jooren Netherlands

  • Yoga by Serge Berliawsky and Gloria Baraquio: Teacher Training in Hawaii - Shivakali Alignment based Vinyasa, meditation and pranayama (breathing); Qigong Flow YOQI with Marisa Cranfill in Thailand, Yinspiration with Marieke Vlieger and Advanced Yin with Mirjam Wagner

  • Life and Intuitive Coaching (self-love - self development) Coach Clinic Ekeren

  • Health Coaching (nutrition, herbs, physiognomy, Bach flower remedies,..)

Moving your body, mind and soul to feel glorious and live a happy life from your essence!


Outer Beauty

Make-up Artist & Hair Stylist


Elke Willemen was a Global Senior Make-Up Artist at MAC Cosmetics based in the BENELUX. She is a sought-after make-up artist with a passion for beauty and teaching. You could find her backstage at the fashion weeks for years and years. These days, Elke is freelancing as a make-up artist and hairstylist, as a teacher at Art of Colors Make-up Artist school in Amsterdam, and facilitating  beauty workshops as an Inner & Outer Beauty Coach. She published an inspiring book: Make Up. My Story. You can also book Elke for a motivational lecture.

In a one-on-one coaching session with Elke you will receive all the tips & tricks you need to create a personalized makeup look, discover the do’s and don’ts about makeup techniques and products. Creating a makeup so you look and feel beautiful. Click here for her portfolio and workshops.



Inner Beauty

Beauty Coaching

Beauty Coaching? Talk to Yourself like You would to Someone You Love!

Self-love. The power of the mind, yoga, nutrition and make-up. The real deal, the complete set-up.

Radiate from the inside out with a positive mindset, yoga and healthy food ; in combination with the right make-up for you? That’s a complete beauty makeover. Not just for one day but one you can cherish throughout your whole life. As a beauty coach I would like to take you on this enhancing beauty & transformational journey. True Beauty begins Inside. Feel Beautiful inside and out.


My Message

I think I'll just be happy today!

If I can give you one advice today than I would say or scream out loud: ENJOY! Radiate joy, get your positive groove on, move your body and transform negative thoughts into positive ones. Release stress. Your mindset has a huge impact on your health and happiness, you get to choose, you create. It’s not how well you can avoid fear, it’s about how quickly you can return to love. Nurture yourself and be kind to yourself. Love yourself.

Enjoy the Little Things 

Slow downDo yoga & stretch.

Breathe. Meditate & practice breathing.

Release. Let go of stress, anxiety and all that doesn’t serve you.

Listen to yourself. Indulge in doing nothing, in being everything you want to be.

Be a peaceful warrior. Be patient and loving towards yourself. Stand tall and love your authentic self. Feel your Beauty!

For one day you will find that those little things are the big things in life.

Smile. Love. Dream.


The Book

(only available in Dutch)


In mijn boek wil ik je eerst en vooral meenemen in mijn eigen verhaal.

De wereld van make-up artiest spreekt tot de verbeelding: elke dag kom je in contact met modellen, ontmoet je creatieve mensen enz. Maar wat houdt het eigenlijk allemaal in? Hoe is het om achter de schermen van de Fashion Weeks te werken? En zien die modellen er eigenlijk altijd zo geweldig uit?
Het antwoord op die laatste vraag is eenvoudig: nope. Het zijn ook maar gewone meisjes met gewone zorgen en problemen. Ook zij hebben soms wallen. Maar, belangrijk om te weten: ze hebben soms héél interessante trucjes om er in een oogwenk fabulous uit te zien. Om van die trucjes van mijn collega's nog maar te zwijgen...

Tips & Tricks

Daarnaast wil ik je uitleggen hoe je zelf snel bepaalde looks kunt bereiken. Waarop moet je letten? Welke look is haalbaar als het snel moet gaan? Welke look past bij jou? Hoe ga je te werk met kleurtjes?
En omdat je de buitenkant buitenkant nooit helemaal los van de binnenkant kunt zien, vind je doorheen het boek ook tips rond inner beauty: hoe kun je elke dag even uit de stress en de gejaagdheid stappen, hoe vind je opnieuw rust bij jezelf? Kortom: hoe overleef je in deze hectische maatschappij?

# Behind the scenes van de fashion weeks.
# Boordevol make-up geheimen, handige tips en heel wat inspiratie.
# Yogaoefeningen en andere tricks om het drukke leven van elke dag door te komen.

Make-Up.My Story


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